BotTX Insights

Real-time Automated Crypto Alerts to enter trades for quick 5% gains from 0 currencies. Current market average nan%

Opportunity: BCH-USD

BUY @ 225.18
SELL @ 236.44

Alert Date: 2023-11-22 22:12:45

Crypto Market Performance: 0.00%

BotTX Stats:

0 alert opportunities for 5% gain goal, 0 have triggered (nan%) in average of nan mins

BotTX Alerts:

About BotTX


Real-time Automated Crypto Alerts to enter trades for quick 5% gains.

How We Do this?

Since 2017 we have been creating algorithms and analyzing data in real-time from all the coins listed on Coinbase to identify the best trade possible. We analyze hundreds of data points few times per minute, and use smart data points to identify opportunities throughout the day.
Our algorithms do not select the coin with biggest gain in last 24 hours. Crypto markets are very volatile, and rallies as well as sell-offs can happen quickly. This is the reason we analyze patterns in speed movement, volatility, volume, periodical changes, highs, lows, and much more. Based on all that, we then determine if any opportunities are real or not.

Are the crypto alerts accurate?

These signals are used by our internal trading bots to identify entry points. The probability varies with market volatility causing some trades to take longer to reach goal.


Historial information is available at no cost. Soon: Real-time alerts to use with your bots or be notified immediatelly.